Monday, December 28, 2020

How to start consultancy business

 If you have a few years working experience with a relevant educational qualification you may start a consultancy business.Now a days people are interested to hire especialied person for example when any one going for a new industrial setup or any new business venture he or she needs expert person who has expertise knowledge about that business So any kind of expertise knowledge you have then you may start a consultancy business in that field.

before you start you need to register your company first then trade license, e Tin cetificate, vat registration etc..

It is good idea if you have some others person who has similarly expertise who needs job and you may make a team with them.Now it is time for getting project for earning.Start advertising your company in different media including social media newspapers and others.

Consultancy business is a fast growing sector in the age of technology.

If you need any help for company registration,trade license,e Tin certificate, VAT registration,please contact us : +8801843675424 or email at

Sunday, December 20, 2020

How to start leather shoe business : Business idea 6.

 Bangladesh  is a good source of authentic genuine leather products which have a great demand worldwide especially in Japan USA and European country.Not only that Bangladesh also have a good number of crafts man whose are expert of handmade leather shoes making.So if you are interested about doing business in leather products it can be very lucrative.

Where to start? You may start with local market first as a supplier then you learn the market products and all about leather business.Old Dhaka and Voirob areas of Kishorganj has numerous leather shoe making factory from where you can find your order supplier for small quantity first.You can make your own brand under your own company name.

Before you start make sure that you have registered your company name,brand trade mark and others certificate from government authority.

If you need any help for any license,pls contact us.+8801843675424 or email at

Friday, December 18, 2020

Paper recycling business : business idea 5

 Paper is a very important product in our daily life and it has a great demand from its invention since the premordern society.Now a modern society can't live a single day without paper use but the raw materials for making papers is limited available so a new  technology has invented for paper recycling and make papers availability for daily use around the globe.Thus paper recycling business is a huge on demand product.

Any one interested to do paper recycling business may start with a small investment and make profit,it is a riskless business.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

How to earn $ 2000 from free Facebook ad

 I was doing consulting business in old style but never think to use Facebook ad as promotion of my business.Suddenly my client shut down his manufacturing factory and i became jobless because it was my only one client base business.Finding no other way i decided to use Facebook page as a business promotion media for getting new clients and started posting ads on Facebook.

After a few days i got my first call from a client and those days even i was money less and can't buy data pack for running Facebook ads.But i continued to posting Facebook using free Facebook option.And finally i got my first client from Facebook ad signed a contract with him and got my first payment to start the assigned job.

It was $ 2000 value assignment for a new company registration job and i happily done it.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Food pakaging business : business idea 4

Food pakaging items like one time paper food box,one time cups,pizza box,wraping foil paper,sweet box,food carrer for home delivery has a great demand in earlier as well as recent growing of online food delivery business during covid-19 spread. 

So it is high time to start a food pakaging business as soon as possible.Do a survey in your area and take action to venture a new business.Good luck.

Friday, December 11, 2020

How to get trade license for your online business

 If you  own a online business on Facebook page or have  a website then you need  a trade license for  bank account opening and  legal status is very good decision.To get  a trade license for online business you need a physical address with rental agreement /ownership document, NID, passport size picture and few hundred taka for  trade license fee.

You may get it from  city corporation, Union parishad of where your address is situated.

If you need  any assistance for  trade license  you  may  contact us 3S consultants,call 01843675424 or email at

Monday, December 7, 2020

How to start real estate business with little amount

 Are you interested to start real estate business with little amount ? Let me explain how to make it possible. Firstly, you need to write a piece of advisement for Facebook page - in short description about your business that you doing real estate buying selling service business,it means you working as a bokarege agent .Now post your ad on your Facebook page ,share it in property selling groups .Do it again and again .Keep in mind it talks time to get respo may be you get results in a few months ,in a few days.Property owners will contact you or buyers will request you please find him a land for purchase.

Never forget do post your advertisements in Facebook page again and again.After getting your first assignment do it properly and continuously.You will succeed.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

How to start domain&hosting business with 50 Dollar

 Want to start a new business with little amount / investment? Then you may try this business -domain & hosting selling online If you really interested to start an IT business it is for you, How to get work? Firstly login and sign-up for affiliate marketing as well as reseller of domain and hosting selling .Deposit your account with PayPal money 50 Dollar and get your own store front of domain-hosting selling website.Customized your store front as per your needs like you make  change your language,rate and any thing you want.Start sharing your business website on social media like Facebook page,Instagram, Twitter and others.

If any one needs assistance for this business please contact us 3S Consultants, call 01843675424 or e-mail at

Pioneer as alternative of PayPal

 Pioneer is available in many countries but PayPal does not that is why Pioneer online payment system could be a good alternative for many small business owner in country like Bangladesh. Freelancers from around the world may receive money from online job platform like ,, freelancers from Bangladesh may easily get an account with Pioneer and get paid from online job platform like

If any one interested to getting an account with Pioneer and need any help please contact us 3S Consultants,call 01843675424 or e-mail at

How to get factory license in Bangladesh

 Every new industrial project in Bangladesh needs to be registered with ministry of Labour and get a factory license for operating manufacturing business.To be registered with mol it needs trade license and eTin certificate along with company registration document from RJSC and passport size pictures of managing director .There is a online application system for factory license ,deposit money as challan in sonali bank then submit online application with all documents scan copy .It takes 5/7 working days time to get approval by the authority.

If any one needs assistance for factory license please contact us 3S Consultants, call us 01843675424 or e-mail at

Friday, December 4, 2020

How to get BIDA registration

 BIDA registration means Bangladesh Investment Development Authority registration ,every new industrial project in Bangladesh needs to be registered with BIDA .Getting BIDA registration is a very simple procedure it requires company registration document from RJSC, Trade license and E Tin certificate along with registration fee.

The entertainers should apply  online  for any BIDA registration it takes 3/4 days to getting approval by BIDA .

Any one interested to getting BIDA registration and need any help please contact us 3S Consultants, call 01843675424 or e-mail at

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Think before to start any business

 Think before to start any business

বাবসা শুরুর আগে:

আপনি একজন নতুন উদ্যোগতা হিসাবে কিছু একটা করতে যাচ্ছেন ?
মূল কাজে নামার আগে একটু খোঁজখবর নিন ,কিসের বাবসা করবেন ? ঘরা যাক আমদানি রফতানি বাবসা করতে চান ,তাহলে এই বেবসায় কি কি লাইসেন্স লাগবে ? IRC,ERC, ট্রেড লাইসেন্স ,আবার ট্রেড লাইসেন্স করতে কি কি ডকুমেন্টস লাগবে ? একক ভাবে করবেন ?নাকি কোম্পানি করবেন ? কোম্পানি নিবন্ধন করতে কি লাগবে ? খরচ কত পড়বে ? ইত্যাদি জেনে শুনে বুঝে প্রয়োজনীয় মূলধন হাতে নিয়ে তারপর শুরু করুন ,দরকার হলে কারো সঙ্গে কিছুদিন কাজ করে বাস্তব অভিগ্গতা নিন ,তারপর নিজে শুরু করুন .
আমরা সব ধরণের লাইসেন্স ,কোম্পানি নিবন্ধন এসব কাজে সহযোগিতা করে থাকি ,প্রয়োজনে কল করুন 01843675424.

Honey branding : Business idea -3

Honey branding : Business idea -3

 বিজনেস আইডিয়া : মধু ব্র্যান্ডিং করুন

আশির দশক পর্যন্ত বাংলাদেশের একটি মাত্র কোম্পানি মধুর বিজ্ঞাপন দিত রেডিও ও টেলিভিশন এ 'এপির মধু' তারপর আর কোন কোম্পানিকে বিজ্ঞাপন দিতে দেখিনা ,এখন setelite এর সুবাদে ভারতীয় চ্যানেল এর সৌজন্যে 'ডাবর হানি' রমরমা বিজ্ঞাপনে বাংলাদেশের বাজার দখল করে রেখেছে অথচ বাংলাদেশের মধু উৎপাদনের দিক দিয়ে অনেক এগিয়ে থাকলেও ,অনেক ছোট ছোট কোম্পানি স্বল্প পরিসরে ব্যবসা করলেও মিডিয়ায় বিজ্ঞাপন না থাকায় ক্রেতা সাধারনের মনোযোগ আকর্ষণ করতে না পারায় ,বাংলাদেশের মধুর বাজার মূলত ভারতীয় কোম্পানির দখলে চলে গেছে .
ভারতীয় ও বিদেশী কোম্পানির হাত থেকে বাজার পুনরুদ্দার করতে হলে বাংলাদেশের উদ্যোক্তাদের নতুন করে ভাবতে হবে , একটি আকর্ষণীয় নাম ও ব্র্যান্ডিং পরিকল্পনার মাধ্যমে বাংলার মধুর নতুন ব্র্যান্ড তৈরী করতে হবে ;
আপনি ও হতে পারেন সেই নতুন দিনের পথ প্রদর্শক ,মধু ব্র্যান্ডিং করুন .........,
আমরা আপনার সাথে আছি ,থাকবো ..............
যে কোন সহযোগিতার জন্য কল করুন : ৮৮০১৮৪৩৬৭৫৪২৪.

Virtual office tourism business :Business idea-2

 Virtual office tourism business :Business idea-2

বিজনেস আইডিয়া : ভার্চুয়াল অফিস ট্যুরিজম বিজনেস

সুবর্ণার সাথে আমার পরিচয় ২০০৭ সালে ইয়াহু মেসেঞ্জারে ,সে ঘরে বসে একটি ওয়েবসাইট ও কম্পিউটার এর মাধ্যমে একটি ট্যুর এজেন্সী চালায়.একদিন আমি স্বচক্ষে দেখার জন্য তার বাসায় যাই এবং বিস্তারিত জানি ,সুবর্ণা ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় থেকে মাস্টার্স করেছেন ইসলামিক হিস্ট্রিতে ওর হাজব্যান্ড কম্পিউটার সাইন্স পড়েছেন চাকরি করেন একটি স্বনামধণ্য ব্যাঙ্ক এ .সে ঘরে বসে গৃহ কাজের ফাঁকে ফাঁকে ইয়াহু মেসেঞ্জারে ওর ট্যুর এজেন্সির প্রচারণা চালায় সেখান থেকেই বুকিং নেয় ,হোটেল ও রেন্ট এ কার,টুরিস্ট গাইড সবকিছুর কন্টাক্ট করে আর মোবাইলে যোগাযোগ রাখে ; আমারতো বেশ ভালো লাগলো .একটি মেয়ে ঘরের বাইরে না গিয়ে এত সুন্দর ভাবে একটি বিজিনেস করছে .
২০০৯ দিকে ওর হাজব্যান্ড চাকরি ছেড়ে ওর সঙ্গে এই ব্যবসায় নিয়োজিত হন ,এখন দুজনে মিলে ব্যবসা পরিচালনা করছে ,দুটি গাড়িও কিনেছেন টুওরিস্টদের সেবা দেওয়ার জন্য সুবর্ণা আর ওর হাজব্যান্ড এখন সফল .ট্যুর অপারেটর .....
আপনি ও হতে পারেন নতুন দিনের পথ প্রদর্শক ,সুবর্ণা আর ওর হাজব্যান্ডের মতো .........,
আমরা আপনার সাথে আছি ,থাকবো, যে কোন সহযোগিতার জন্য কল করুন : 8801843675424.
জন দেখেছেন
3 বার শেয়ার করা হয়েছে
লাইক করুন
কমেন্ট করুন
শেয়ার করুন

How to get eTin certificate

 eTin certificate is a very common document which is required for business purposes as well as basic requirement to getting Government service like land registration ,tourist pass,bank account opening, company registration etc ...

So ,every one should know how to get it with out any hassle, here is we are discussing how to get it yourself. Only on document required for getting eTin certificate is NID or passport or birth registration certificate .If someone don't have any of this document or a minor person may also have it with his parents eTin reference .

Every new eTin certificate is available applying online from NBR Bangladesh website instantly.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

VAT registration,BIN registration certificate

 VAT registration certificate,BIN registration certificate is a vital document which required for doing business in Bangladesh, Every new company ,New industry must register with NBR online for VAT registration certificate ,the following document's needed for VAT registration company registration document from RJSC ,Trade license from city corporation,E Tin certificate from NBR and bank account number with bank statement

For VAT registration you have to apply online and attach supporting document for approval by NBR takes 3 /5 days time to get it into your e-mail box.

How to get work permit VISA

 Need a work permit VISA in Bangladesh?

Here is some valuable information for getting work permit VISA processing in Bangladesh, Firstly you need specific information which kind of organization you are working for ,development organization? NGO or industrial sector? If you are working at industrial sector like garments industry then you need E type VISA means Employment VISA for this kind of VISA your company registration document required for the VISA processing including company resulation for employment ,newspaper AD published for the post,company trade license copy,company registration copy,company income tax certificate, your educational certificate ,passport copy, NID copy, passport size pictures of company manager director and police clearance certificate and application fee .

You need to apply online and follow the instructions for approval.

How to start domain business

 Domain buying and selling is a huge demand high value business now a days.,,, these are great names in domain business world.Many young entrepreneurs and creative minded people are investing time and money in this sector.

So if you are interested to invest in domain business as a beginner here is some valuable information for you.Firstly, get some basic information about domain business like where to buy domain name and how to sell them.,,,www.huge, are few names for domain business websites.Secondly you should know the market trends which kinds of domain name have great demand in market ,simple short meaning ful name like Google,Uber,Apple.Robi,IPhone these type of name are high value brands, when you buying a new domain name you must remember this or if you are making a new domain name it must be catchy short and highly remembering words which is easy to find out or searching.

It is good idea about investing in domain business as initial start with little amount by rotation ,keep it learning the market trends and grow your business with time.start with the niche which you know well soon after you enter another niche.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

How to listing domain for sell

 Selling domain is more easy then buying ,login ur account which was opened during buying and go for finding my domain list, look for managing your domain section and list for sale, give a short description about your domain,price and time framework and set parking on.

All is ready for sale done.

Now you may check if it is available online.

Some times it takes 24-48 hours to activate.

How to buy domain

 Buying domain is very simple now ,for example,you want to buy from then first go to and sign-up for an account there.Now go to home page and search for your name which you wanted to buy if it is available then click on add to cart fillup information and go for check out pay the amount ,it is very simple if you use PayPal or if you use master card ,if you don't have PayPal then you  may asked another person to make the payment on behalf of you.

After payment is made you will get an  e-mail confirmation from

Next we shall discus how to listing a domain name for sell on

How to earn $ 500 from Facebook status

 How to earn $ 500 from Facebook status During the principal wave of Corona virus  lock-down period abruptly all open air exercises were clo...